Thursday 28 November 2013

whole day of tea

while working on my animation for exam previews, it was really made ready tones of tea cups, for a thousand times it was smelling like ginger and cinnamon, watching hundreds of photographs and few birds as well.

Wednesday 27 November 2013

i love jazz

There are some beautiful things i love about my life - it's swing dancing and jazz, baking and seeing smiles. Maybe this babe is a collaboration of all these.. Saying happy and jazzy birthday to beautiful and maybe one of the best dancer in the world of swing.

Tuesday 19 November 2013


Truputis rudeniškų mano vakarų ar rytų ar kokių dar kitų...

now, while i'm working on some art projects and and the material on conceptual art seminar, my evenings, teas, bickings, dancing, midnight walks and etc. become so essential for me...


Thursday 31 October 2013


 secret safety photograms and some shots on sunny days around me...

Sunday 6 October 2013

a broad smile

the cosiest sunday evening of the autumn, the biggest smiles and longest conversations, the finest coffee, the thoughts just out of the heart...

ačiū už gėles, už šypsenas, šokoladus ir bučinius, bet labiausiai tai tiesiog už visą kitą... : )

Wednesday 11 September 2013

some foundings

 Bežiūrinėdama dokumentus radau savo šiek tiek hobo, šiek tiek saulėtos, pilnos muzikos, lindyhopo, pasivaikščiojimų, naujų veidų ir miestų, darbų, egzų ir peržiūrų, šypsenų, jaukių balkonų, gėlių ir juoko pilnų atostogų prisiminimų...


Thursday 5 September 2013

..that always smiling

 tai kalbant apie šypsenas, taip. Kartais pasitaiko, kad jos tęsiasi tęsiasi. Gražu? Man  - taip : )

Siunčiu savas,

Monday 12 August 2013

Herräng diary

Well, something is over, our beautiful dream is just making a nostalgic smile up on the face now and i'm still balancing on the edge between today and some other place or unit of time.... i found it really strange or i just had never paid attention to the such a feeling before - it comes naturally to try to stay in a dream instead of comming back to reality... i remember one guy had told me some time ago that it would be interesting to know, in what kind of world do i live... i just laughed then, but i gues, i found an answer now - i'm allways running into somewhere else, to something more than just this, something more than everything around...

i'm still somewhere else. and i'm still with a smile on ))) oh, my dears, let's celebrate every day

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